
Meet the underwater gardeners that scrub Imperial County’s water canalsMeet the underwater gardeners that scrub Imperial County’s water canals

Meet the underwater gardeners that scrub Imperial County’s water canals

Photo: IID Operations Coordinator Pablo Cortez, left, holds an adult grass carp while Tony Perez, a colleague, collects the fish's…

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When vegetation choked off water recharge basins, who did CAP call? Goat munchersWhen vegetation choked off water recharge basins, who did CAP call? Goat munchers

When vegetation choked off water recharge basins, who did CAP call? Goat munchers

Photo: In a water recharge basin southeast of Phoenix, a herd of 70 goats is going deep in the weeds…

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Despite A Ban, Arkansas Farmers Are Still Spraying Controversial WeedkillerDespite A Ban, Arkansas Farmers Are Still Spraying Controversial Weedkiller

Despite A Ban, Arkansas Farmers Are Still Spraying Controversial Weedkiller

These soybeans were damaged in 2017 by dicamba, a popular weedkiller that's prone to drifting into neighboring fields. Some farmers…

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