Gravel bed rivers and their floodplains are vital to local ecosystems and their ability to adapt to climate change. sandybrownjensen/flickr,...
Bringing the Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor
The National Aquarium, located in the heart of the nation’s largest estuary, is bringing back estuarine landscapes to Baltimore City....
Microplastics are getting into mosquitoes, contaminating new food chains
Photo: Mosquitoes leave the water and take microplastics with them. Shaun Wilkinson/Shutterstock There is no doubt that plastic pollution in...
Utah copes with drying streams, dying animals as drought tightens its grip
(Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune) Sam Plumb inspects the dry creek bed on his family’s property in Emigration Canyon....
California Court Finds Public Trust Doctrine Applies to State Groundwater Resources
Photo: Scott River, Court Rejects Claim That SGMA “Displaces” Public Trust’s Application to California Groundwater The California Court of...