
Judge throws out industrial wells permits scientists said would harm public watersJudge throws out industrial wells permits scientists said would harm public waters

Judge throws out industrial wells permits scientists said would harm public waters

A Dane County judge has thrown out eight high-capacity well permits the state granted to businesses despite warnings from its…

7 years ago

Farming activity contaminates water despite best practices

CASCO, Wis. – Lynda Cochart did not realize her water was contaminated with coliform bacteria until she contracted MRSA, an…

8 years ago

Wisconsin Farm Group Admits Tainting Drinking Water, Keeps Failing Residents

What if your neighbor poured toxic chemicals into your drinking water but only agreed to pay for part of the…

8 years ago

Groundwater wells: concern as Wisconsin reduces regulations

NEW RICHMOND, Wisconsin Owners of wells that pump more than 100,000 gallons of water a day are no longer subject…

8 years ago