Yurok Tribe

Tribes guard the Klamath River’s fish, water and lands as restoration begins at last

Photo: Doreen Ashley (left) and Gloria Mattz (right), fish technicians at the Yurok Fisheries Program, do all they can to…

1 year ago

EPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of Water

Action triggered by petition concerning indirect impact on salmon habitats EPA officials say a chemical used in tire production reacts…

1 year ago

Yurok Tribe signs historic MOU to help salmon populations

Contributed photo: CalTrout Executive Director Curtis Knight, CalTrout Mount Shasta-Klamath Regional Director Damon Goodman, Andrew Hurlimann (current FDC president), Sam…

2 years ago

Judge Refuses to Divert Water for Endangered Salmon on Klamath River

Photo: The Klamath River near its mouth on the Pacific Ocean in Klamath, California. (By Daniel Wade – Own work,…

5 years ago