“Water is Life” Rally Highlights Fight for Clean and Accessible Water

Protecting the Penobscot River. That goal brought folks from across the state together Saturday in Bangor. It’s part of a larger effort by the Penobscot Nation to improve water quality in the area. Taylor Kinzler reports.

“The Penobscot Nation led the way in cleaning up the river over the past 30 years,” said Sherri Mitchell of the Penobscot Nation.

“We understand that all of the rights that we claim have to be balanced by a set of corresponding responsibilities. Water is life! That’s why we’re here.”

—Sherri Mitchell

The Penobscot Nation, environmentalists and concerned citizens gathered on the Bangor waterfront, fighting for clean and accessible water for all. “Whenever we possibly can, we support each other. It just seems like a perfect opportunity.”

Susan Pastore traveled all the way from Portland to support the cause. “I hope today that they take away love and respect for water, for life, for all things nature.” “Stewardship means that we have a responsibility to care for our relatives. And that river right there is a relative of ours.” In May, the Penobscot Nation defended its jurisdiction over the waters of the Penobscot Reservation before the US Court of Appeals in Boston. “So for them […]

[The source material appears to no longer exist where we first encountered it. —H2O IQ ed.]

More about: Native Americans, First Nations, and treaty rights