People Stories

‘Water is sacred’: 10 visual artists reflect on the human right to water

“Tomorrow’s world” Photograph: Serge Attukwei Clottey/WaterAid

Ten photographs marking the 10th anniversary of access to water and sanitation being declared a human right by the UN have been commissioned from 10 visual artists by the charity WaterAid to show the impact of clean water on people’s lives.

Globally, 785 million people – one in 10 – still lack access to water close to home and 2 billion people – one in four – don’t have a toilet of their own.

A Lopsided Tale by Joseph Obanubi (Nigeria)

For many communities, water sources are usually far from their homes, and it falls to women and girls to spend much of their time and energy fetching water, a task that can expose them to attack from men or wild animals.

Without sanitation people have no choice but to use communal latrines or find a place to go to the toilet outside, often having to wait until the cover of darkness. This leaves food and water resources open to infections and helps spread disease.

This work references Nigerian-Yoruba sculptures and the healing qualities of water as a basic element of life. Yoruba believe water to be a symbol of force and strength. É o Fim do […]

Water Warriors and Other People Stories

Article Name
'Water is sacred': 10 visual artists reflect on the human right to water
Photographs marking the 10th anniversary of access to water and sanitation being declared a human right are commissioned by charity WaterAid.
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The Guardian
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