The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is undergoing continual and often rapid change. This poses challenges in predicting and preparing for the...
Dune restoration could increase the resilience of urban beaches to sea level rise
Photo: Beach bur, a native plant that helped to form dunes on a section of Santa Monica Beach in Los...
Opinion: Ever-increasing storms don’t have to be this catastrophic
Piecemeal approach to attacking climate change infrastructure challenges is wrongheaded Photo: A small tractor clears water from a business as...
Ecosystems in Hot Water After Marine Heatwave Surges Across the Pacific
Photo: A research diver conducts periodic monitoring of a kelp forest marine protected area. Chris Honeyman Rising ocean temperatures are sweeping...
‘We are not prepared’: Disasters spread as climate change strikes
The warming planet is causing havoc under the strain from record heat, floods, storms and wildfires. And scientists warn the...