When Florida Sea Grant director Karl Havens, who is a well-regarded expert on water and has studied pollution all over...
California Groundwater Law Means Big Changes Above Ground, Too
The state’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act is likely to result in fallowing thousands of acres of farmland. Local governments are...
How About That Water Quality? Ocean Acidification
Talking about water quality isn’t most people’s idea of the ideal ice breaker. In the Lowcountry (loosely defined as coastal...
Farmers drawing groundwater from Ogallala Aquifer faster than nature replaces it
Every summer the U.S. Central Plains go dry, leading farmers to tap into groundwater to irrigate sorghum, soy, cotton, wheat...
How planting trees and grasses can help stabilise farmland in a changing climate
Certain native species, such as Eucalyptus populnea, can combat the effects of drought. As parts of the country face the...