Understanding how plants will survive and adapt to climate change is crucial as they provide oxygen and take in carbon...
Coca-Cola Sucks Wells Dry in Chiapas, Forcing Residents to Buy Water
Photo Credit: Art Konovalov / Shutterstock.com The water is disappearing in San Felipe Ecatepec, an Indigenous town three miles outside...
Water shortages can destroy cultures: Interplay between society and hydrological effects
The demise of the Maya civilization Something really drastic must have happened to end the Classic Maya Period in the...
Gil Smart: What’s behind push for deep injection wells near Lake Okeechobee?
When it comes to preventing discharges from Lake Okeechobee, shouldn’t every option be on the table? Or are some options...
How large-scale water cycles influence earthquakes in California
A new study shows how seasonal changes in large-scale water cycles in California influence small-scale quake activity. It confirms that...