Certain groups of animals are declining at an alarming rate—and none more so than those living in freshwater. This year’s...
Water shortages key environmental challenge of century, NASA warns
Water shortages are likely to be the key environmental challenge of this century, scientists from NASA have warned, as new...
Miami Will Be Underwater Soon. Its Drinking Water Could Go First
A rock lake at the edge of Miami-Dade County. PHOTOGRAPHER: ANASTASIA SAMOYLOVA FOR BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK The city has another serious...
Plan for Colorado River draws on Blue Mesa, Flaming Gorge reservoirs
Historic proposal to create a conservation bank of water in Lake Powell fed by reservoirs in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and...
“Wild, Wonderful” West Virginia’s Decapitated Mountains and Deformed Fish
Photo credit: Mandel Ngan Getty Images A scientist documents the poisoning of the state’s waters by the coal industry I...