It’s well known that dolphins are among the world’s smartest creatures, and humans are among the world’s most annoying. The...
Water, water, not everywhere: Former NASA hydrologist says water security issues worsening
Photo: University of Saskatchewan hydrologist and executive director of the Global Institute for Water Security Jay Famiglietti gives a lecture...
Three newspapers confront one challenge: Sea-level rise is real
In August, 2017, a woman walks along a flooded sidewalk along Alton Road near Michigan Avenue in Miami Beach. New...
The cataclysmic cost of Trump’s ‘war on oceans’
Photo illustration by Lesley Becker/Globe Staff/Adobe Stock This summer, 60 million Americans will head to the seaside to enjoy majestic...
Every drop counts
Aquaponics is the practice of fish farming combined with the cultivation of plants in water without soil. Some integrated agri-aquaculture...