...Bet On An Increasingly Scarce Resource With the federal government poised to force Western states to change how they manage…
Photo: The Seal River Watershed in northwest Manitoba is roughly the size of Nova Scotia, and is untouched wilderness. The…
Over 140 projects identified to revitalize functional ecosystems and support multiple native fish species Shortnose suckers (Koptu) are an imperiled…
Photo: California and other states where water is scarce have long tapped more groundwater — particularly for agriculture — than…
Photo: NOAA has rejected Wespac’s proposed rule to allow Native Hawaiian subsistence fishermen to recoup their cost of fishing in…
KLAMATH COUNTY, Ore. – Oregon U.S. Senators, Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley have introduced legislation to support farmers and ranchers,…
WESTERN WATER IN-DEPTH: January storms jump-started recharge projects in badly overdrafted San Joaquin Valley, but hurdles with state permits and…
[H2O IQ editor's note: also see the immediately preceding post concerning the Mono Lake Tribe of California and its concerns…
Photo: A grove of tufa towers along the south shore of Mono Lake, California, where long-term drought, global warming and…
From the Office of the Governor: Governor Gavin Newsom today signed an executive order to protect the state’s water supplies…