The challenge is to establish a comprehensive approach that moves from less conflict to more cooperation. The recent Maui wildfires...
Delano water bottling plant prompts concerns over exporting native groundwater
Photo: This sign greets motorists in Delano. Felix Adamo/ The Californian News of the new Niagara Bottling plant going up in Delano...
Close to Home: Investing in sustainable water sources
Photo: A drone provides a view of water pumped into the California Aqueduct. (KEN JAMES / California Department of Water...
California Courts Foil Westlands Water District’s Grinch-Like Water Grab
Westlands’ Efforts to Permanently Privatize California Water Opposed by Unique Coalition & Rejected by Skeptical Judges Credit: Bet Hannon Business...
Officials propose historic agreement to permanently include tribes in Colorado River matters
Photo: Manuel Heart, chairman of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, speaks about Colorado River water issues Dec. 13 at the...