Homes in the Sulphur Springs Valley in Arizona stand just outside a corn field with a large irrigation system. Photo...
Watchdog says lack of EPA oversight helped cause ‘catastrophic’ Flint water crisis
Placards posted above water fountains warn against drinking the water at Flint Northwestern High School in Flint, Michigan, May 4,...
Water use in the USA, 2015
Although thermoelectric and irrigation are the dominant categories nationally, the county breakdown reveals regional variation. In the map below, you...
Trump Just Remade Ocean Policy—Here’s What That Means
The spill began with a bang. On August 20, 2010 a jet of natural gas surged to the Deepwater Horizon...
White House approves huge reservoir for Lake Okeechobee overflow
Photo: Algae collects along the the shore of Shepard Park on the St. Lucie River near downtown Stuart on June...