The United States has long been known as a country willing to take gigantic risks in order to build innovative...
Pope Francis: ‘Irresponsible’ Western Lifestyles Push the World to ‘the Breaking Point’ on Climate
The 86-year-old leader of the 1.3 billion-member Catholic Church bluntly urges more aggressive action to curb emissions at the next...
Sustainable solutions needed to the water crisis in the West
Editor’s note: As he traditionally does around this time every year, Brian Greenspun is turning over his Where I Stand...
‘30,000 Salmon’ Environmental Art Installation
The “30,000 Salmon” Art Installation at the Morris Graves Museum of Art in Eureka | Photos: Stephanie McGeary Inspired by...
Reflections on Sovereign Water Rights in the Wake of Navajo Nation v Arizona
Credit: Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash As legal professionals, we have dedicated our lives to understanding, defending, and improving...