In this Aug. 1, 2016 file photo, Jaden Smith, left, and his father Will Smith attend the world premiere of...
Lonely Bolivian water frog seeks mate on to save his species
Romeo ISO a lady frog. (CNN) An 11-year-old Bolivian water frog named Romeo has been looking for his “Juliet” for...
Kanas villagers make water safe through simple interventions
Iron removal plants have made tube well water potable, reducing water-borne diseases drastically. (Photo by Rakhi Ghosh) Soudamini Palai of...
Dayton, Ohio storm drains: murals help keep contaminants out of waterways
Photo: City of Dayton Department of Water (storm drains). Art: Laura and Michael Huff The City of Dayton (Ohio) Department...
How a Girl Scout inspired a health care giant to ditch plastic straws
Photo: Shutterstock Most people don’t use plastic straws at home, so why are they so commonplace in restaurants? That was...