Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

Farmers drawing groundwater from Ogallala Aquifer faster than nature replaces it

Every summer the U.S. Central Plains go dry, leading farmers to tap into groundwater to irrigate sorghum, soy, cotton, wheat…

7 years ago

Renewable Energy Saves Water and Creates Jobs

Credit: David Hogan Getty Images A common argument for expanding renewable energy sources is that technologies such as solar panels…

7 years ago

100+ Ways to Conserve Water

When it comes to conserving water, small adjustments can have a big impact. Conserve water with ideas from our 100+…

7 years ago

SCOTUS: Upstream States to Reduce River Usage, Aid Downstream States in Drought

Markel Saez de Jauregui/Flickr (Public Domain) NASA says droughts are becoming more common, and will continue to be. If that’s…

7 years ago

Preparing for climate change: California’s huge investment in water storage

On Tuesday, the California Water Commission completed a groundbreaking process to make the state’s largest investment in water storage in…

7 years ago

Bottled water, brought to you by fracking?

The link between fracking and the bottled water industry is one more reason to take back the tap The new…

7 years ago

Avoiding outdoor water waste: Coping with Texas summers

Stepping out on the porch of our farmhouse on an already-hot May afternoon, looking out at our yard, I’m happy…

7 years ago

Toilet to tap? Daytona Beach experiments with turning treated wastewater into drinking water

The city of Daytona Beach is part of a new pilot program to experiment with turning treated wastewater into drinking…

7 years ago

No-till farming can help save water, proponents say

Photo: No-till equipment at Garth Mulkey’s farm, originally designed to plant pumpkin seeds. The spiked wheels in the front push…

7 years ago

Drinking Tap Water — the Simplest Solution to Ocean Plastic Pollution?

Is the solution to plastic water bottle pollution as simple as educating the masses that their tap water is safe…

7 years ago