Photo: The Trout Run Sewage Treatment Plant in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Montgomery County Planning Commission / Flickr Sylvia Lee, PhD,...
Blame Cognitive Biases When Efforts To Conserve Water Aren’t Effective
Listen to the audio interview at the original web page, link below. As California’s drought draws national headlines, we look...
The dry facts — future drought indicators
“THOUSANDS have lived without love; not one without water,” observed W.H. Auden. He omitted to add that, as with love,...
New MIT water purification method eliminates even trace chemical waste and pesticides
Ridding water of tiny concentrations of pollutants isn’t easy. Typically, a lot of energy or chemicals are required to remove...
Metro Vancouver Launches Unflushables Campaign
Metro Vancouver is rolling out a new campaign, The Unflushables, in hopes of educating residents to stop dumping items down...