
Scientists develop substance to kill water pollutants using solar power

Researchers at the Swansea University in the United Kingdom have developed a new non-toxic substance that can help eradicate harmful…

8 years ago

Why the world needs to get smarter about water consumption

Photo: The watery oasis of Ubari in the deserts of Libya. Sfivat/Wikipedia (public domain) In 1900, just 15% of the…

8 years ago

Study Finds ‘Rollie Pollies’ Remove Heavy Metals From Soil, Stabilizing Growing Conditions, Protecting Groundwater

Turns out a little bug we don't think of much just so happens to be one of the best protectors…

8 years ago

Gil Smart: What’s behind push for deep injection wells near Lake Okeechobee?

When it comes to preventing discharges from Lake Okeechobee, shouldn't every option be on the table? Or are some options…

8 years ago

New solar technology promises safe drinking water in a compact off-grid footprint

More than 18,000 desalination plants operate in over 150 countries, but these aren't helping the estimated 1 billion people who…

8 years ago

Cooling Method for Supercomputers Uses Gray Water

New cooling method for supercomputers to save millions of gallons of water. Sandia engineer David J. Martinez examines the cooling…

8 years ago

How large-scale water cycles influence earthquakes in California

A new study shows how seasonal changes in large-scale water cycles in California influence small-scale quake activity. It confirms that…

8 years ago

Alteration of stream temperature by natural and artificial beaver dams

Beaver are an integral component of hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic processes within North American stream systems, and their propensity to…

8 years ago

BOEM Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Bathymetry Grid from 3D Seismic

Northern Gulf of Mexico deepwater bathymetry grid created from 3D seismic surveys. The grid defines water depth with 1.4 billion…

8 years ago

The Role of Science in Global Policy

I have had the opportunity this week to be a part of something new. This week, the United Nations has…

8 years ago