The Partnership During the drought of 2015, residents of California’s Santa Clarita Valley stepped up their water conservation activities in...
How AI can help protect California streams and fish
Rivers in California once swelled and ebbed as the seasons changed and as wet years gave way to dry ones....
New Salmon Successes
Photo: Carmichael’s iconic water tower is a sentinel near a newly established salmon nesting habitat near Ancil Hoffman Park. Biologists Maeghen...
Rebate program helps HOAs become grand-scale water savers
Photo: Landscape renovations of the common area of the 49-home Mall III Lake San Marcos Homeowners Assocation included the removal...
Believing in the Power of Beavers
Art: A beaver poster from [CDFW’s] Outdoor California publication, 1950s. (Courtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife) Inspired by the science...