Rivers in California once swelled and ebbed as the seasons changed and as wet years gave way to dry ones....
New Salmon Successes
Photo: Carmichael’s iconic water tower is a sentinel near a newly established salmon nesting habitat near Ancil Hoffman Park. Biologists Maeghen...
Rebate program helps HOAs become grand-scale water savers
Photo: Landscape renovations of the common area of the 49-home Mall III Lake San Marcos Homeowners Assocation included the removal...
Believing in the Power of Beavers
Art: A beaver poster from [CDFW’s] Outdoor California publication, 1950s. (Courtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife) Inspired by the science...
Early support from SNC leads to critical federal funding for North Yuba
Photo: The town of Downieville is located on Highway 49 where the Downie River joins the North Yuba River. Surrounded...