At DeJager Farms, manure from dairy barns is processed before reaching a holding lagoon. A high-tech system blends in fresh...
CDFW: Beavers are back on Tule River Tribal lands in the Southern Sierra Nevada
After years of work by the Tule River Tribe, a family of seven beavers has been released into the South...
Groundwater Recharge in the San Joaquin Valley
Overdraft has caused big problems in the San Joaquin Valley—and in our drought-prone state, groundwater recharge is one of the most promising...
Requiring water users to pay for ecological damage
FEATURE: A conversation with environmental lawyer Karrigan Börk Water diversions can harm aquatic ecosystems, riparian habitat, and beaches fed by...
Flood risks: Preparing for urban floods with an eye toward equity
Flood waters from the San Francisquito Creek reached apartment complexes in East Palo Alto, California, during a storm event on...