Planet or Plastic? is National Geographic’s multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic trash crisis. Visit their pages often to learn more, find out what you can do to reduce your own single-use plastics and take your pledge.
Once a completely natural product, much of today’s plastic is man-made and largely dependent upon fossil fuels. From polymers to nurdles, learn how plastic is created and what we can do to slow the lasting repercussions this material will have on both our planet and our lives.
Full suite of related articles, essays, actions, and (of course) photography: We Depend On Plastic. Now, We’re Drowning in It.
More about plastic water bottles:
Boxed water replaces plastic at Princeton
Public drinking fountains can reduce single-use plastic bottles’ use
10,000 Plastic Bottles and a Mermaid
What’s Best for Kids: Bottled Water or Fountains?
There’s plastic in your tap water, beer, and table salt